Share your love of our faith by leading and/or assisting adults, youth and/or children in faith formation classes.
The mission of this group is to support and affirm women in the many roles that we have in life.
The primary purpose of this group for married couples is to support and nurture Christ-centered marriages and families.
Exodus 90 is based on early Church traditions and Catholic roots but is open to all men.
The classes include The Bible Timeline, Acts, Matthew, and many more.
This is an international organization for Catholic men, 18 years of age and older.
Catholic and non-Catholic men of all ages in the parish gather for fellowship, recreation, and work projects...
This group makes rosaries for missions, hospitals, nursing homes, the Divine Mercy Chaplet...
This is a social club for older adults to have fun, fellowship, and opportunities to...
Through the talents of its members, this group provides sewing, knitting, crocheting, and...
Volunteers are always needed to help set up and/or clean up and serve at the various...
This men's-only ministry honestly addresses the pressures and temptations...
Our summer children’s programs need helpers to assist in various roles while your...
If you are a widowed woman and like to play cards, then we are looking for you!
Christian individuals, lay or ordained, or families who choose to be associated with...
The Divine Mercy ministry/devotion meets on the First Saturday of each month at...
Join in prayer devotions on the First Friday of the month after 8:30 AM Mass in the...
Participate in prayer devotions every Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM followed by...
St. Joan of Arc is blessed to have a perpetual adoration chapel for adorers to pray and...
Participants gather on Monday evenings at 7:00 PM for a holy hour in the Marian Chapel...
Parishioners can donate toward the cost of fresh flowers to be placed in the Sanctuary...
Boys and girls, third grade or older, who have been confirmed may assist in altar service...
This ministry takes care of the spaces in the main church and Marian Chapel.
Help maintain candles in the vigil stands and sanctuary space by cleaning stands and...
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest and deacons in...
Music ministers are an important part of praise and worship as they lead the parish...
Readers serve the needs of the Eucharistic assembly by introducing the Mass and...
These ministers prepare all items needed for Mass and serve both daily and/or on...
Members of this ministry wash, purify, and iron the small linens used at Mass each...
The responsibilities of the ushers are to welcome and assist parishioners and guests at Mass...
Quarterly Blood Drives are organized by the Knights of Columbus with Vitalent.
Mandated EMHC’s take communion to those in our parish boundaries who are unable to...
Food collection bins are filled with parishioner donations of non-perishable food...
Drop-in opportunities for volunteers to help feed the poor and neglected in downtown Denver.
We are looking for Funeral Hosts to work with the grieving families in the funeral planning process.
The Respect Life ministry encompasses pro-life initiatives and also represents the...
This ministry provides funeral receptions for family and friends of deceased members...