Music Ministry
Are you a musician? Like to sing?
St. Joan of Arc has many ways for you to use your musical talents to enhance the beauty of the liturgy including the Children’s Choir, Adult Choir, Cantors, and Accompanists/Organists/Musicians. We use the Source and Summit Missal which is designed to elevate the liturgy through reverant and theologically sounds hymns, chants and Mass parts.
Come and give us the gift of music!
The Church is communio; she is God’s communing with men in Christ and hence the communing of men with one another. CCC 901
Help serve St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church by volunteering to assist in various ministries that contribute to the liturgy and the Holy Sacrifice of the Altar. Interested in joining a liturgical ministry? Call the Parish Office at 303-420-1232 or email office@saintjoancatholic.org.
Boys and girls, fourth grade or older, who have made their First Holy Communion, are welcome for altar service for all regular Masses and Holy Days. They assist the priest in performing the Mass, and they learn about the Liturgy. Training is provided.
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHS)
Ministers distribute communion at the altar and take the Holy Eucharist to the sick and/or shut-ins. Eucharistic Ministers must be at least eighteen years of age, fully initiated into the church, have a definite and continuing relationship to the Parish that reflects a serious and well-formed faith and moral commitment, and if married, the marriage must be in accordance with the Catholic Church. Ministers are selected by the Pastor based on the above requirements and mandated by the Archbishop. Training is provided.
The responsibilities of the ushers are mainly to welcome everyone and assist parishioners and guests at Mass. Ushers help those with special needs and parishioners who need to find seating. Ushers pass the offertory collection basket, help with the flow of people at Holy Communion, and see that an extraordinary communion minister brings the Eucharist to those unable to walk to the altar. Ushers will also be asked to help tidy up after each Mass.
Readers serve the needs of the Eucharistic assembly by proclaiming the Word of God and reading announcements. This ministry demands far more than the ability to read well in public. Readers not only proclaim the Word that strengthens the faith of God’s people, but also invite them to celebrate the Eucharist.
Altar Flowers
Parishioners are able to donate toward the cost of fresh flowers to be placed in the Sanctuary on weekends during the regular liturgical year and to dedicate those flowers in memory of a special person or in honor of an event. The flowers are arranged on a rotating schedule each week.
Small Linens
Members of this ministry wash and iron the small linens used at Mass each week. Soiled linens are picked up on a Sunday and returned clean and pressed on the next Sunday. Volunteers my work at home at their own pace, as long as the clean linens are returned to the church on a timely basis.
Candle Care
These volunteers replace candles in the vigil stands and church, as well as clean stands and glass votives and ensure that the sanctuary light is always burning.